We use the STAR acronym to remember our school values. We believe these values reflect what it means to be an Australian citizen and a good person, able to make a positive contribution in our school and the wider community both now and in the future.
Willaura Primary school Values are:
- Stay Safe: Looking after ourselves inside and outside of school
- Try Your Best: Trying hard, pursuing excellence, seeking to accomplish something worthy
- Accept Responsibility: Being accountable for your actions, resolving differences in constructive ways, contributing to society and to civic life, taking care of the environment
- Respect Others: Treating others with consideration and regard, respecting another person's point of view
At Willaura Primary School we have a culture of care and respect. We have a zero tolerance approach to bullying. If students would not say or do something to a teacher, they should not do or say it to another student. This approach gives students a 'measuring stick' to consider their actions and words.
Classroom teachers use a range of rewards and acknowledgements for good choices and exemplary behaviour using the School Wide Positive Behaviour Support Program for support. The Principal works with individual students and their families on individual behaviour plans if required.
Willaura Primary School promotes a Growth Mindset culture for all of our students. Our students understand that they learn best by putting in effort and that it is OK to make mistakes. They also know that their brains grow stronger if they struggle a little. If their learning is too easy, they know that they need to step up a notch.
Our school has a wonderful, positive, accepting culture where effort is valued, so ALL students know if they try their best they are a success. Students know they are at school to learn and that learning is valued. Staff model effort, respect, professionalism and excellence.